World map walking and map locations
Triad of One » Devlog
Here's something I am still working onto: world and location map. The game is still under heavily development, with only the intro currently "playable" it doesn't offer much to do, or interact with; but I'll can give quick, albeit drafted, access to some of the games core features.

You'll be introduced into a ugly pre-renderer image.

Don't worry, everything is placeholder here; the graphics will change (hopefully for the better); by hovering your mouse on the map you'll notice there are very few things you can interact with: the tree icon buttons with the features of our trio-in-one and two opaque icons on the map (number are just visual reference. The boot shaped icons (will appear more clearly as you hover with the mouse) are simple waypoint to different maps. The bright white numbers are the hint for more maps available, but at this point you will certainly notice you wouldn't be able to get there since the waypoints are missing.
In truth, waypoints (and other clickable targets), are simply hidden: there are four kind of waypoint that can be found.
1) Cities, towns, castles, ruins and other notable places that are still present in the elf's memory (click the elf portrait to see if she's able to discover)
2) Path, passways, roads, bridge, natural and unnatural access. These are usually waypoints to move from a world-location to another one (portrait of the undead human to use his path-finding skills)
3) A bit of everything else: passages or notable places. Usually these waypoints require a bit of "push" to be discovered: a mountain with visible cracks may be the clue for a secret cave? A broken bridge can be fixed with some dwarven craft skills? (portrait of the dwarf)
4) Everything else: events such open NPC dialogues or discovering new area can these bonus places. Usually you don't need to click portraits as these things reveal themselves during the quest (so, take your time to track-back when you feel like you may have "open" some secret)
This test map only provide waypoints (click undead on every map, it will always reveal something) plus a special town that you can find with the elf (not telling where is: happy hunting!)
Still working on:
- NPC Dialogues
- Auto cinematics by events
- Inn (save game and "NPC status" reset)
- Sound FX
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Jun 11, 2018 22 MB
Jun 02, 2018
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